Update rate


Did Mars change the update rate from daily to weekly?! I mean… I feel like ATG does not work with this currently update rate since the chapters very much depende on each other. So, the story goes as slow as a turtle. Seriously, I’m almost droping It.


Wait for a year,then read it without breaks. That’s what I am planning to do


I actually like keeping up with this novel. I have realized though that if I am caught up to many novels at the same time, then it is quite irritating to constantly shift my attention between various stories and keep my motivation up for each of them. So for me, since I am new to this genre, I am only caught up to ATG. I decided to read Transcending the Nine Heavens because it was long (2750 ch), had great reviews, but most of all because it was completed. I had lot of fun, definitely my fav novel, but only after reaching 1012 did I realize that there weren’t more human translated chapters. The pain and regret I had for starting this novel at such an early time was agonizing, especially since the initial reason I started it was because it was completed. Alas, I have done the same as you, I am putting it on hold but for 5 long years until it gets completely translated instead of having two series I am ongoing with. So from now on, I am never going to start reading incomplete translated novels (at least not before ATG finishes), so that I only one series I binge and one series I read ongoing.


i somehow managed to w8 4 months and after i started reading it again and finished it on chapter 1556 i had to w8 5 days for chapter 1557 and now break again… Feelsbadman

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If you want more chapters, go to china, find mars and giving a thorough beating! Break his legs and let him know why he was beaten! Tell him that next time what you will break is his head! He will learn his lessons!


LOL! This comment was legit hilarious…though i gotta say im really tempted.by the suggestion :stuck_out_tongue:


Dont do it lads ( whispers: go for it) … how would you feel if someone did that to you (whispers: bash his head in) … think of his wife and kids (whispers: fuck them)


Great. I have no reason to support him at all. Invite me too, i’m gonna bash his head and dump atg


might as well threaten crippling him


pffffttttttt…the ATG addict strike again…bwahahahahahaha


имейте уважение к автору… кроме написания глав у него еще есть свой круг обязанностей и свой круг ответственности перед своей семьей и родными…


исправление и дополнение к комментарию: у Марса есть свой круг обязанностей и свой круг ответственности перед своей семьей и родными…


Is not earning for your family the biggest duty and responsibility to your family? As far as I know, he quit to devote himself to writing a book. Actually, I’m not just wanting to join those who constantly ache that there are no chapters, but even I start to burn with these things. If something all summer did not have a normally stable exit of chapters, and this continues even now, that is, 4 months already this is happening. You don’t even have to start carrying your rubbish about what we read here for free, and we are not its main audience at all. The Chinese also can not like such a schedule of chapters, and Mars is also not a little foreign audience …


Honestly right now the plot is going nowhere and people just want to know the direction of the story. I can tell you how many people are disappointed in the censored scenes between QY and YC. Haha many advocated for her to join harem but only wanted the “special scenes” now that it’s censored. Everyone feels dirtied. This novel doesn’t go we’ll with weekly update. Might as well drop it tbh


Yea …I am also going on hiatus…will check back after a year.