TermDict - General

中文 pīn yīn English
打通任督二脉 dǎ tōng rèn dū èr mài break through the meridians of Ren and Du to arouse one’s hidden energy
暗器 àn qì Hidden Weapons
八卦 bā guà Bagua
bāng Association
抱拳 bào quán Clasping Hands
悲惨地死去 bēi cǎn dì sǐ qù To Die a Dog’s Death
闭关 bì guān Closed Door Training
biān whip
镖局 biāo jú Escort Agency
冰清玉洁 bīng qīng yù jié Clear as Ice and Clean as Jade
拨云见日 bō yún jiàn rì Dispel the Clouds and See the Sun
不共戴天 bù gòng dài tiān Cannot Live Under the Same Sky
不劳而获 bù láo ér huò Reap without Sowing
不知天高地厚 bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu To not know the Immensity of Heaven and Earth
参悟/顿悟 cān wù / dùn wù Insight
沧海桑田 cāng hǎi sāng tián The Blue Sea turned into Mulberry Fields
藏经阁 cáng jīng gé Scripture Library
长啸 cháng xiào yell/utter a long and loud cry
常在河边走, 哪有不湿鞋 cháng zài hé biān zǒu , nǎ yǒu bù shī xié If one often walks by the Riverside, one’s Shoes will eventually get wet
肠子都悔青了 cháng zǐ dū huǐ qīng liǎo Intestines turning Green from Regret
趁火打劫 chèn huǒ dǎ jié Loot a Burning House
城门失火,殃及池鱼 chéng mén shī huǒ , yāng jí chí yú A Fire at the City Gates is also a Disaster to the Fish in the Pond
成仙 chéng xiān Immortal Ascension
叱咤风云 chì zhà fēng yún To Rebuke Heaven and Earth
储物法宝 chǔ wù fǎ bǎo Storage Treasures
蹿房越 cuān fáng yuè Fly across the Rooftops
摧枯拉朽 cuī kū lā xiǔ Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood
打草惊蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé Beat the Grass and Scare the Snake
大风大浪 dà fēng dà làng Winds and Waves
打鸡血 dǎ jī xiě Injected with Chicken Blood
大袖一甩 dà xiù yī shuǎi With a Flick of a Sleeve
戴绿帽子 dài lǜ mào zǐ Wear a Green Hat
丹道/外丹 dān dào / wài dān Alchemy
丹凤眼 dān fèng yǎn Phoenix Eyes
丹田 dān tián Dantian
丹药 dān yào Medicinal Pills & Elixirs
dào Tao
dāo Saber/broadsword
刀枪不入 dāo qiāng bù rù Impervious to Blades and Spears
刀山火海 dāo shān huǒ hǎi A Mountain of Blades and a Sea of Fire
倒吸一口凉气 dǎo xī yī kǒu liáng qì To Suck in a Breath of Cold Air
The Earth
点脉 diǎn mài Striking the Meridians
点穴 diǎn xué Striking the Acupoints
鼎/丹炉 dǐng / dān lú Cauldrons & Pill Furnaces
dòng Cave/Hole
洞府 dòng fǔ Immortal’s Cave
毒气 dú qì Poison Qi
毒针 dú zhēn poison needle
断线风筝 duàn xiàn fēng zhēng A Kite with its String cut
对牛弹琴 duì niú dàn qín Play the Lute for a Cow
duò Branch
峨嵋刺 é méi cì Emei Piercers
法宝 fǎ bǎo Magic Treasures
法器 fǎ qì Magic Tools
凡尘 fán chén Mortal Dust
翻江倒海 fān jiāng dǎo hǎi Overturning Rivers and Seas
翻天覆地 fān tiān fù dì Heaven and Earth turned upside down
翻云覆雨 fān yún fù yǔ Produce Clouds with one turn of the Hand and Rain with another
放屁 fàng pì Fart / Farting
放在眼里 fàng zài yǎn lǐ To Put in one’s Eyes
飞镖 fēi biāo dart
飞刀 fēi dāo Flying Daggers
飞剑 fēi jiàn Flying Sword
飞爪 fēi zhǎo Flying Claw
凤毛麟角 fèng máo lín jiǎo Rare as Phoenix Feathers and Unicorn Horns
风雨 fēng yǔ Wind and Rain
拂尘 fú chén Duster / Fly Whisk / Horsetail Whisk
腹黑 fù hēi Black Belly
罡气 gāng qì the Gang Spirit
高手如云 gāo shǒu rú yún Experts as Common as the Clouds
阁/亭 gé / tíng Pavilion
功法/心法 gōng fǎ / xīn fǎ Cultivation Method
gōu Hook Sword
狗仗人势 gǒu zhàng rén shì The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present
孤注一掷 gū zhù yī zhì Stake All on One Throw
guǎi Crutches
guǐ Ghosts
gùn Staff
寒气 hán qì Algidity Chilliness
行气 háng qì Qi Circulation
行云流水 háng yún liú shuǐ Floating Clouds and Flowing Water
鹤立鸡群 hè lì jī qún A Crane in a Flock of Chickens
红尘 hóng chén Red Dust
蝴蝶双刀 hú dié shuāng dāo Butterfly Knives
呼风唤雨 hū fēng huàn yǔ Call the Wind and Summon the Rain
虎父无犬子 hǔ fù wú quǎn zǐ A Tiger Father will not beget a Dog Son
画龙点睛 huà lóng diǎn jīng Paint a Dragon and Dot the Eyes
画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú Drawing Legs on a Snake
怀璧其罪 huái bì qí zuì Treasuring a Jade Ring becomes a Crime
黄泉 huáng quán Huangquan
huì Society
混沌 hùn dùn Hundun
浑水摸鱼 hún shuǐ mō yú To Fish in Troubled Waters
火上加油 huǒ shàng jiā yóu Add Oil to the Fire
级/层 jí / céng Ranks / Levels / Layers
jiā Clan
jiàn Sword
剑拔弩张 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng With Swords drawn and Bows bent
剑光 jiàn guāng Sword-light
剑意 jiàn yì Sword Intent
江湖 jiāng hú Jianghu
jiào Religious Sect
结丹 jié dān Core Formation
jīn Catty
金丹 jīn dān Gold Core
金盆洗手 jīn pén xǐ shǒu Wash one’s Hands in a Golden Basin
禁制 jīn zhì Restrictions
jīng Sutras & Scriptures
jīng Essence
井底之蛙 jǐng dǐ zhī wā A Frog in a Well
经脉 jīng mài Meridians
九节鞭 jiǔ jié biān Nine Section Whip
九牛一毛 jiǔ niú yī máo A Single Hair from Nine Oxen
咳血 ké xiě Coughing up Blood
空间戒指 kōng jiān jiè zhǐ Interspatial Ring
叩头 kòu tóu Kowtow
哭笑不得 kū xiào bù dé Didn’t know whether to Laugh or Cry
癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 lài gé má xiǎng chī tiān é ròu A Toad lusting after a Swan’s Flesh
狼牙棒 láng yá bàng mace
老子 lǎo zǐ I, your Father / Grandfather
雷厉风行 léi lì fēng háng Pass like Thunder and Move like the Wind
鲤鱼跳龙门 lǐ yú tiào lóng mén A Carp leaping through the Dragon Gate
liàn Refining
莲花 lián huā Lotus Flower
liǎng Tael
两仪 liǎng yí Liangyi
灵草 líng cǎo Spiritual Plants / Herbs
灵根 líng gēn Spiritual Root
灵器 líng qì Spirit Tools
灵识 líng shí Spiritual Sense
灵石 líng shí Spirit Stones
六道轮回 liù dào lún huí Six Paths of Reincarnation
流星锤 liú xīng chuí Meteor Hammer
龙归大海 lóng guī dà hǎi Dragon returning to the Sea
龙蛇混杂 lóng shé hùn zá Where Dragons and Snakes intermingle
龙潭虎穴 lóng tán hǔ xué Dragon’s Pool and Tiger’s Den
龙争虎斗 lóng zhēng hǔ dǒu A Fight between a Dragon and a Tiger
mén School
秘笈/秘籍 mì jí / mì jí Manual
米已成炊 mǐ yǐ chéng chuī The Rice is Cooked
面子 miàn zǐ Face
冥界 míng jiè Mingjie
魔核 mó hé Magical Cores
魔兽 mó shòu Magical Beasts
Chinese acre
内家 nèi jiā Internal Martial Arts
内力/内劲 nèi lì / nèi jìn Internal Energy
泥牛入海 ní niú rù hǎi A Clay Ox entering the Sea
凝气 níng qì Qi Condensation
排山倒海 pái shān dǎo hǎi Topple Mountains and Overturn Seas
判官笔 pàn guān bǐ Judge’s Brush
判若云泥 pàn ruò yún ní As different as Heaven and Earth
盘膝 pán xī Lotus Position
páo Robes
庖丁解牛 páo dīng jiě niú Chef Ding carving the Ox
瓶颈 píng jǐng Bottleneck
气沉丹田 qì chén dān tián sink one’s breath to Dantian
骑虎难下 qí hǔ nán xià If you ride a Tiger, it’s hard to get off
奇经八脉 qí jīng bā mài Eight Extraordinary Meridians
七孔 qī kǒng The Seven Orifices / The Seven Apertures
七窍流血 qī qiào liú xiě bleed from all the seven apertures of the head
七情六欲 qī qíng liù yù The Seven Emotions and Six Desires
掐诀 qiā jué Hand-seals
前辈 qián bèi Senior
乾坤 qián kūn heaven and earth
千里之行始于足下 qiān lǐ zhī háng shǐ yú zú xià A Thousand-mile Journey begins with the First Step
qiāng Spear
强龙不压地头蛇 qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé Even a Powerful Dragon cannot repress a Local Snake
强弩之末 qiáng nǔ zhī mò An Arrow at the end of its flight
轻功 qīng gōng Lightness Skill
晴天霹雳 qíng tiān pī lì Thunder from a Clear Sky
秋水 qiū shuǐ Limpid Autumn Water
quán fist
任督二脉 rèn dū èr mài the meridians of Ren and Du
人界/人间 rén jiè / rén jiān The Mortal Realm
人算不如天算 rén suàn bù rú tiān suàn Man proposes, Heaven disposes
人外有人,天外有天 rén wài yǒu rén , tiān wài yǒu tiān There are People beyond People, and Heavens beyond the Heavens
人在江湖,身不由己 rén zài jiāng hú , shēn bù yóu jǐ When in the Jianghu, one cannot move freely
人中之龙 rén zhōng zhī lóng A Dragon among Men
róu Soft
如虎添翼 rú hǔ tiān yì Like a Tiger that has grown Wings / Like a Tiger that has been given Wings
如意 rú yì Ruyi Scepter
软剑 ruǎn jiàn Soft sword
弱肉强食 ruò ròu qiáng shí The Weak are Prey to the Strong
三界 sān jiè The Three Realms
三节棍 sān jié gùn Three Section Staff
三十六计 sān shí liù jì The Thirty-Six Stratagems
三头六臂 sān tóu liù bì Three Heads, Six Arms
散修 sàn xiū Rogue Cultivation
杀鸡儆猴 shā jī jǐng hóu Killing the Chicken to warn the Monkey
煞气 shā qì Killing Intent
蛇矛 shé máo Snake Lance
shén Gods
神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛 shén dǎng shā shén , fó dǎng shā fó If Gods block, kill the Gods; if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas
shèng Saints
绳镖 shéng biāo Rope Dart
事半功倍 shì bàn gōng bèi Twice the Results for Half the Effort
事倍功半 shì bèi gōng bàn Half the Results for Twice the Effort
师伯 / 师叔 shī bó / shī shū Martial Uncle
时辰 shí chén 2 hours
市尺 shì chǐ Chinese foot
市寸 shì cùn Chinese inch
师弟 shī dì Junior Brother
师父 / 师傅 shī fù / shī fù Master
师公 / 师爷 shī gōng / shī yé Grandmaster
师姑 shī gū Martial Aunt
师姐 shī jiě Senior Sister
市里 shì lǐ Chinese mile
师妹 shī mèi Junior Sister
师兄 / 师哥 shī xiōng / shī gē Senior Brother
市丈 shì zhàng 10 Chinese foot
师侄 shī zhí Martial Nephew / Martial Niece
狮子捕兔, 亦用全力 shī zǐ bǔ tù , yì yòng quán lì A Lion uses its full strength even when hunting a Rabbit
瘦死的骆驼比马大 shòu sǐ de luò tuó bǐ mǎ dà A starved Camel is still bigger than a Horse
树大招风 shù dà zhāo fēng Tall Trees attract the Wind
树倒猢狲散 shù dǎo hú sūn sàn When the Tree falls, the Monkeys scatter
双节棍 shuāng jié gùn Two Section Staff
双修 shuāng xiū Integrated Cultivation
水落石出 shuǐ là shí chū As the Water recedes, the Rocks appear
死去活来 sǐ qù huó lái Hover between Life and Death
四象 sì xiàng Sixiang
suō Loom Shuttle
太极 tài jí Taiji
táng Hall
螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 táng láng bǔ chán , huáng què zài hòu The Mantis stalks the Cicada, unaware of the Oriole behind
tiān The Heavens
天地/乾坤 tiān dì / qián kūn Heaven and Earth
天地之气 tiān dì zhī qì Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth
天劫/重劫 tiān jié / zhòng jié Heavenly Tribulation
天网恢恢 tiān wǎng huī huī Heaven’s Net is wide, and none can escape its mesh
天下 tiān xià Under Heaven / Beneath the Heavens
天下无敌 tiān xià wú dí Unrivaled under Heaven
调虎离山 tiáo hǔ lí shān Lure the Tiger away from the Mountain
偷鸡不成蚀把米 tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ Wanting to steal a Chicken, but instead losing the Bait
投井下石 tóu jǐng xià shí Throwing Stones down a Well
突飞猛进 tū fēi měng jìn Advance by Leaps and Bounds
吐纳 tǔ nà Breathing Exercises
腿/脚 tuǐ / jiǎo kick
脱胎换骨 tuō tāi huàn gǔ Shed one’s Mortal Body and Exchange one’s Bones
外家 wài jiā External Martial Arts
晚辈 wǎn bèi Junior
忘恩负义 wàng ēn fù yì Forget Favors and Violate Justice
wén Copper-cash
卧虎藏龙 wò hǔ cáng lóng Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons
武功 wǔ gōng Martial Arts
五行 wǔ háng Five Elements
无极 wú jí Wuji
武林 wǔ lín Wulin
武侠 wǔ xiá swordsman
五脏六腑 wǔ zàng liù fǔ The Five Viscera and Six Bowels
洗髓易筋 xǐ suǐ yì jīn Cleansing the Marrow and Replacing the Tendons
xiá Xia
虾兵蟹将 xiā bīng xiè jiāng Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals
下蛊 xià gǔ using the poisonous magic
xiān Immortals
xiāng Incense
小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yī dié Side Dish
小周天 xiǎo zhōu tiān a small circle of the evolutive
血滴子 xiě dī zǐ Flying Guillotine
血脉倒流/血液逆转/心血逆流 xiě mài dǎo liú / xiě yè nì zhuǎn / xīn xiě nì liú Blood flowing in reverse
心魔 xīn mó Internal Demons
袖箭 xiù jiàn Sleeve Arrow
修炼/修真/修仙 xiū liàn / xiū zhēn / xiū xiān Cultivation
修为 xiū wéi Cultivation Base
修者/修士/修仙者 xiū zhě / xiū shì / xiū xiān zhě Cultivator
修真界 xiū zhēn jiè Cultivation World
旋乾转坤 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn Overturning Heaven and Earth
穴道/穴位 xué dào / xué wèi Acupuncture Point/Acupoint
仰天长啸 yǎng tiān cháng xiào howl to heaven/cry into the air/make a long wheezing noise in the open air
yāo Demons
药草 yào cǎo Medicinal Plants / Herbs
妖核 yāo hé Demonic Cores
妖兽 yāo shòu Demonic Beasts
咬牙切齿 yǎo yá qiē chǐ Gnashing Teeth
业/缘/因果/功德 yè / yuán / yīn guǒ / gōng dé Karma
一步登天 yī bù dēng tiān Reaching Heaven in a single bound / Ascending to the Skies with a single leap
以毒攻毒 yǐ dú gōng dú Fight Poison with Poison
一顿饭的时间 yī dùn fàn de shí jiān The time it takes to eat a Meal
一个呼吸的时间 yī gè hū xī de shí jiān A Breath of time
一日为师,终身为父 yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù A Teacher for a Day, a Father for Life
易如反掌 yì rú fǎn zhǎng As Easy as Turning over a Hand
一盏茶的时间 yī zhǎn chá de shí jiān The time it takes to drink a Cup of Tea
已臻化境 yǐ zhēn huà jìng Attain perfection
一炷香 yī zhù xiāng The time it takes an Incense Stick to burn
阴阳 yīn yáng Yin & Yang
yìng Hard
游侠 yóu xiá Wandering Xia
有眼不识泰山 yǒu yǎn bù shí tài shān To have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai
玉般 yù bān Jade-like
鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 yù bàng xiāng zhēng , yú wēng dé lì When the Sandpiper and the Clam fight each other, it’s the Fisherman who benefits
玉简 yù jiǎn Jade Slip
元婴 yuán yīng Nascent Soul
月牙铲 yuè yá chǎn Monk’s Spade
杂质 zá zhì Impurities
斩钉截铁 zhǎn dīng jié tiě Chop Nails and Sever Iron
zhǎng palm
张牙舞爪 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo To Bare Fangs and Brandish Claws
找死 zhǎo sǐ Courting Death
阵/阵法 zhèn / zhèn fǎ Formations
阵旗 zhèn qí Formation Flags
正经十二脉 zhèng jīng shí èr mài Twelve Principal Meridians
纸老虎 zhǐ lǎo hǔ Paper Tiger
筑基 zhù jī Foundation Establishment
自投罗网 zì tóu luó wǎng Throw Oneself into the Net
宗、派 zōng 、 pài Sect
走火入魔 zǒu huǒ rù mó Qi Deviation
坐井观天 zuò jǐng guān tiān View the Sky from the Bottom of a Well