Rules for posting comments


Dear users,

In order to maintain a good reading environment and community harmony, please do not post violation comments.

The violation comments included: garbled message; meaningless repetitive words; sensitive words involving discrimination or politics; insulting others; links to unrelated websites, etc.

The comments above may be deemed harmful by the system, resulting in your account being blocked.

Users who post violation comments, your comments will be deleted by the admin, and you will be sentenced to 7-days of silence. Serious offenders will be banned.

If your account is blocked without any violation comments, you can send an email to to complain, the admin will restore the account for you after verification.
Babelnovel Team

pinned globally #2

If I may ask…
At times, I want to post a comment but the system says “Timeout…” or that I have exceeded three comments… and at times, network error.
Just a while ago, I could not make a comment because of this timeout thing and that was supposed to be my third on that chapter.
Later, I tried to make another comment but the system says that I already posted three…
So, even unposted comments count?

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No, this should be a network problem, in fact, you have posted comments, but the system mistakenly did not send out


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