*Relevant Notes on Chapter Locked*


Hi everyone! Thank you for your support.

We need to turn some novels to be paid one because of the pressure from the copyright owner. But we still give free access to your read chapters and try our best give you free chapters for unlocked chapters which the copyright ask.
The chapters you have voted on and the chapters you have read are still free to read. If you have any problems, you can send us an email: service@babelchain.org, tell us the email address of your registered account, and the name Of the novel, we will solve the problem as soon as possible.

Babelnovel Team


Yesterday 119 chapters were free now only 53 are free also are you going to unlock those other novels that are already finished translated else where. Plus the novels that have the first 20 chapters but then suddenly switch to a completely different novel midway. I dont mind paying but majority are machine translated novels we can already go read the machine translated version for free. Please address this.