pages loading issues


i’m having major issues in loading pages for mightiest level system. as i’m scrolling and its loading the next chapter, it suddenly jump to a new location or loads the next chapter funnily,
for example
when im reading chapter 744 and scroll down to about 3/4 of the way it loads 745 but forces that page to load above 744. to continue to read 744 i have to scroll down back to 744 from 745 but that loads 746, and it puts it after 744, so now the chapter are loaded as such: 745-744-746.
as it have loaded 746 and jump my screen location to 3/4 of 746 i have to scroll up to 744, scrolling down until i finish reading 744, then scroll up to read 745 from the top of that chapter (assuming it does load 743 in a funny fashion as well) scroll down past 744 to get to 746 after finishing 745.
this process can get irritating and especially so since this isn’t the only one in this chunk of the book.

749 gets even crazier;
it loads 750 before it( 750-749), loads 751 (750-749-751) loads 752 before it (750-749-752-751) loads 753 before it (750-749-752-753) but weirdly 751 disappears, i cant finish reading 751 as scrolling down correctly load 74 and 755 (750-749-752-753-754-755)