Overlapped Contents


When it is in “Reader View”, the content is still overlapped with a different novel. Can anyone please fix this? This has been happening for months now.


If the page looks like a giant wall of text or a mix of 2 LN when I refresh it sometimes it’ll fix it.


Refreshing the page on “Reader View” doesn’t remove the overlapped content. It made it even worse that the words got blacked out.


it happened to me too a few times… highlighting the url n reload seems to work for me… using mobile chrome for android…


Remember the chapter # and individually navigate to the chapter then correct content will be displayed


Sadly, none of them works for me.


Sorry. Can you tell me which chapters have this situation? We will deal with it as soon as possible


ALL chapters in every novels. If i click the toggle reader view, the content will overlap with a different novel.


Do you mean “overlap” is the content of novel A mixed with the content of novel B, or is the reading page of novel A printed with the content of novel B like a ghosting?


The content of novel A is mixed with the content of novel B.


The content of novek A is mixed with the content of novel B. But, if i go back and re-do the toggle reader view, the content of novel A is now mixed with the content of novel C. If i do it the third time, the content of A is mixed with the content of D, and so on…


Refreshing the web page always works for me… I am using the Chrome for Android


Clear your cache memory, if it is still not working use a different browser, Firefox works well for me


Get it , We will deal with it as soon as possible