Next chapter?!


Timming for next ch pls telll if someone knows…!!


The heck is this topic? ︶︿︶


i thunk it will be release after 3-5 hours from now. the schedule on how mars usually release the chapters each day changed


are dada it’s not even out in the raws so maybe next day or today night


It will come out this week ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)

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sad news i think we will not get a chapter again today :disappointed_relieved:


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck man




Hoje não vai ter:? isso não pode ser verdade


Might be at 2am once again.

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guess im staying up tonight then


I m also thinking that​:sob::sob:


Mars said… Today…

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Where does mars say these things…pls let me know​:pray:t2::pray:t2:

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can you give link this post ?


When? Because i see nothing


Marte pasó de 3 capítulos cada 2 días a un capítulo cada 2 o 3 días esto para darle tiempo a avanzar en la trama y sus ideas esperemos a qu no disminuya más