Just who is more talented xq or yc


I really want to know who is more talented because every time it’s shown that xq learns something yc learns it even faster but at the end of the day xq is still stronger


XQ’s cultivation techniques are simple and very few compared to the amount of techniques and legacies YC received, and thus has to spend more time in them for breakthrough

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No final do dia sempre a xq está um passo na frente. Eu quero intender isto também


Yeah, you can see that in relation to the law of nothing, XQ is about two passes ahead of YC … but in the end the protagonist always shines

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exactly, YC received legacy from two gods, it’s not easy to cultivate, since XQ has that heart of ice that was just waiting to wake up that her power automatically increases


XQ is superior to innate talent, while Yc IS SUPERIOR in understanding.

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TLDR: YC is far superior to XQ, she just had a much better opportunity although the cost was insanely high (her actions are the result of that due to information we don’t have all of yet).
XQ is superior to all others in comprehension and ability to grow and use skills at higher levels than she is currently at. The exception is YC. Because he has multiple lifetimes and the veins of the creation god along with having had access to the Buddha skills that Jasmine gave him, he is actually much faster than XQ. Consider that it took XQ months to comprehend the ice scripture in frozen Asgard while YC took a fraction of that time.
XQ received the moon god inheritance and one of her special properties is being able to rapidly cultivate inherited or supplied “energy” that would destroy anyone else. It still took her three years to go from Divine King to full Divine Master though. YC took three years to go from Divine King to level 7 Divine Monarch without a huge inheritance. Yes, he had the demon emperors blood essence but that wasn’t as powerful as the moon god inheritance in overall power or YC would have achieved the same. Additionally, while XQ, Jasmine and Caizhi’s inheritances all grew the person to rank 10 Divine Master in a very short time period, they also came with inherited memories as well. These provided insights and comprehension right out of the box. Unfortunately, Jasmine took the memories from the evil god’s inheritance before she gave it to YC so he didn’t get them or the advantages.

Regarding the void aspect, XQ is the other person since her eyes went grey at the abyss just like YC when he comprehends the void. The voice might be the first god but regardless, it’s ability to understand the void is technically the third entity. I suspect that YC will vastly exceed that beings expectations around his ability to comprehend the void.
All conjecture for now though. I hope Mars can pick things back up now.


Surely YC, he can cultivate law of darkness and light and even make HSDE cant believe it, I think XQ cant do that. Moreover, YC got Mars protection, he cant even die


ela avancou para mestre divino, porque herdou all poder, atraves de um talisma, sei la, o yun chw foi por sangue, por isso nao pulou niveis.


It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Yun Che has average ‘natural talent’ but prodigal comprehension ability. While XQ has superior talent but above average comprehension ability. YC natural talent is boosted by his many legacies and cheat like abilities. While, XQ has plot armour on her side.


the heritage of the moon god along with this heart of ice gave her a huge boost to get power quickly …


Talent wise and inheritance wise Yc
While XQ comprehension and innate talent is better

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Como que ela ficou meses lá na pedra de Asgard e yun Che minutos?

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XQ is indeed talented but YC is a freak. He just lacked ambition and didn’t use full potential.


Fui obrigado a reler o início do romance. Apenas para confirmar. Que igual a yc não existe.
O yun Che para aprender o caminho de buda lvl 1 demorou 3 dias enquanto o supergenio irmao de Jasmine levou um mês. Tirando o fato do mundo lírico da Fênix. Onde. Além de rápido cultivou as técnicas 5 e 6, sem ter as 4 primeiras.
Qingyue perde mas nao de muito, uma vez que foi capaz de cultivar o domínio da nuvem de Asgard estando no domínio profundo da terra. Um reino que é impossível dominar está técnica. Graças a seu corpo único
Eis o fato
Yun Che de longe tem mais talento. Além do falto de xq estar no topo do profundo verdadeiro e ele aleijado, passado 18 meses. Yun Che conseguiu derrotar ela no torneio do vento azul.

A mais ele é protagonista, e cheio de profundas heranças. Sim ele é, porém a xq TB herdou um corpo que não conseguimos compreender até agora.

Salpicando fatos. Yun Che gênio. Tanto na área do cultivo, da compreensão e da medicina.
Xq considerada um gênio, mais um ou dois degraus abaixo. Sua velocidade de compreensão perde para yc, cultivo um degrau acima, já que sua profunda força desenvolve mais rápido que do yc pelo seu corpo. E na área da medicina. Ela nem pode ser citada.

Espero comentários dos meus queridos amigos que gostam do ramance.


Come on, really? have you heard some thing called “English” universal language ?
English is my 2nd language!


Nunca ouvi. Não sabia que existia. Eu escrevo na minha língua. E o tradutor faz o restante


YC nació con un talento de cultivo mediocre incluso después de recibir las Venas Profundas del Dios Maligno , solo tenía 11 entradas profundas abiertas naturalmente eso se demuestra en el Mango Profundo del clan Yun al principio era rojo y después de recibir la médula ósea del Dios Dragón el Mango Profundo se vuelve naranja , tiene una fuerte en comprensión tienes muchos legados pudo saltar niveles y vencer a los cultivadores que son más fuertes que él (reino / nivel más alto), debido al Legado del Dios Maligno y sus numerosas líneas de sangre, artes y habilidades tiene Conocimiento médico y de toda la vegetación en el Reino de los Dioses ademas de la experiencias de su vida anterior (después de morir 3 veces) puede cultivar la ley de la oscuridad y la luz ademas de la ley del vacio y es el posee Sky Poison Pearl , YC le faltaba ambición , eso cambió cuando Yun Che perdió a Jasmine, quien fue expulsada de la Dimensión del Caos Primordial por Zhou Xuzi. Las personas que lo trataban como un salvador, lo traicionaron y lo querían muerto, anhelando su Poder Divino del Dios Maligno y su Perla Venenosa del Cielo.Ahora esta en busca de vengaza un un corazón despiadado

XQ tiene Nueve cuerpo exquisito profundo ( como para decir que no importa en qué Arte Profundo ella cultive ella podrá cultivarlo a cualquier nivel sin importar cuál sea su cultivo) y el Corazón de cristal esmaltado de nieve (será una existencia suprema y sagrada que trasciende el mundo. Las leyendas dicen que son bendecidos por los cielos y que quien los dañe sufrirá el castigo de los cielos. Una vez que el Corazón de Vidrio Esmaltado despierte, el poder, la sabiduría, la visión y el alma de uno sufrirán cambios que parecen extraños en la superficie. Pero su velocidad de crecimiento será tan rápida que sería inconcebible para una persona normal, y los cambios en su sabiduría y visión harán que ya no estén dispuestos a estar bajo ninguna otra persona)
QX tiene mas talento innato ademas recibio la herencia del dios de la luna con los recuerdos heredados .Su personalidad externa es muy fría y sin emociones tomada decisiones rapida y despiadada , astuta e intrigante a ella no le importa casi nada incluso vio como fue destruido
Estrella polar azul y cuando el collar se su madre fue destruido no lo voto sin nada que ver con ella


YC had a protagonist halo, he can never lose in big plot. Anyone who irritate him will be sent to hell straight away, no question asked. XQ is a singularity, she is not supposed to exist. She got the perks of a protagonist too but not like YC where every powerful god is investing in his powers, she got powers from that void. She is her agent. Now who is her, I strictly believe that it is related to his little aunt, she is most OP in series as it is claimed that she could have destroyed the realm of gods herself, if she accepts her source of power. Overall, if Mars decided to remove XQ, I have no problem . But if he removed YC, story will be like a car without a engine.