I can vote for you


Hi everyone, I was bored so I think why not vote when I have bricks but the problem is I don’t know where to vote I could go through everyone topics but it will take time so I think of a solution why not make a topic where everyone can tell me/others where to vote bricks. (If other people want, that is :wink:
So tell me in reply the name of book or link (it would be easier for me to go on that book)
For now, I will maximum give 10 to 15 bricks to the novel.
If you want me to give to especially voting like:- Give from chapter 10 to 20 or 1500 to 2000 etc.
Tell me.
Thank you for your time don’t forget to give like on the book which I am proofreading.
Here is the link :smile: https://babelnovel.com/books/my-cold-and-beautiful-ceo