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1- as would be the ones above the divine master 10. In ranks.
2 - Does anyone know if the author has speculated about the end, like when yun che reaches the top of this divine world will end? or had he risen again to another kingdom?
3- because from my point of view. the divine kingdom seems to be small. it’s like yun che had rsnk monarch ma polar blue. then imagine this kingdom with the primordial and true gods, who were far above those sovereign and divine masters.

feel if the will to change ideas.

Translator Google.

  1. In the current universe Devine Master Level 10 is the highest rank attainable. Even within DM Level 10 there are different sub levels. Western Dragon God is the strongest person in the God realm. We are going to learn that the Soul Stealind Devil God is another person who is very strong who faught 2 DM Level 10, 1 DM Level 9 and 1 DM Level 4.

  2. When YC reaches DM Level 10 he will be will reach a super class below the Calamity Devil God Emperor and 100 Devil God cleans men. ATG end will take another 10 years to finish. So enjoy. The author wants YC to reach the same level as calamity Devil God Emperor who is beyond the wall. In the center of the primordial world there is something terrifying power level exist. We only got a glimpse of gray matter surrounding the area. Even YQ with DM Level 10 feels insignificant.

  3. YC has only explored a small part of the God realms. The Primordial world is 100 times (guessing) bigger than the 4 God realms combined. There is another plain higher than the primordial world where cultivators can not enter.

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1- level 10 is the higher , but YC will exceed the level if he is the same rank because he had the Evil God’s Profound Veins.

2- i asked that but no one comments but from the timeline we expect him to exceed the limit of this at least to save Jasmine

3- after Divine master realm we novel had level “Divine Extinction Realm · True God Realm · Creation God Realm · Ancestral God Realm”


Haha… Dude fandom?


My response . But copied names from there any issue with that?


I really believe that there is another plane coming in story. A new world where real gods reside not these foolish Divine Masters.

What I consider illogical with current story is that the “Yin” or Demonic is considered to be a vile thing. But why??

Why there is no balance in world. Why the humans wanted to take over land of demons when they know that doing so will harm them. They are practically making a time bomb below their toilet seat here!

But if there is no new world to explore then the novel will soon end. But I hope that this novel will be like Desolate Era where there are even multiple universes fighting for dominance.


Cap 1318

of the many indications that may be the daughter of the azure dragon.
she is sealed, she can even leave but not for long
she speculated that after getting rid of the chains that bound her, she would look for a home that may not exist in this universe until yc appears. as he has the inheritance of the evil God, so it is possible to ascend to another kingdom.
It has also been said that the arual yc is very small once it rises to divine master10 it will open new doors.
It is a fact that the present yc only wants revenge because it thinks that everyone died.
as then will be the unfolding.



Ou talvez ele só ascenda para ficar no topo do mundo .