Can we create a go-fund-me so Mars can release chapters faster...?


I know it is not just me who feels this way. I must find out whether XYQ is actually the biggest con artist in the world and has been bending the rules while decieving everyone due to the fact her “Glazed Glass Heart” has awakened which allows her to peer into the future and understand that the real calamity that will come.
Reguardless, I would like to see YC sit in a cave for 50 years, come out a true god and stomp out the universe, or plunder everything and everyone in the Northern region with his new gold haired ‘waifu’ Qing’er. Either way, this novel is like a drug and i must find out what happens in order to stop my addiction…

If anyone can also give me an answer on what happened to Shen Xi and his other child, it would help fill another blank in my head.


You want to give him more money than he currently makes so he can continue to write one shitty chapter after another? WOW…


dude mars is richer than you. he doesnt need any money


Viejo, Marte el mes pasado que de primero en el ranking, ganó bastante dinero.
Está novela ya lleva varios años publicando, y el autor no es constante eso solo significa que ha perdido parte del amor que tenía por la novela, pienso que solo son escusas para alejarse de la novela un tiempo porque se siente cansado con la novela, el no nececita dinero a haa más que suficiente.

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