As of c635 2/5 stars


The storyline is good, but the mc ruins this novel. Author has made it so mc has 10s of thousands of cultivation methods in his head… but he refuses to hand any of them out to the people around him.

Once xiao yuv is introduced, y’all will understand how the mc ruins this novel. Xiao yuv is a girl who the mc is stuck with, because she has no one else. Xiao yuv has been kidnapped multiple times. She’s just an ordinary girl. We later learned that she has a physique perfect for cultivation …yet mc still refuses to teach her how to cultivate. He’d rather keep her ordinary so that she’ll always be kidnapped and die early. It’s just dumb. I mean, what is the point of author constantly saying how much garbage the mc has in his head, if he refuses to have the mc help out the closest people around him?


After c600…the plot seems to have turned over. At the beginning, the mc’s dad was just in a coma. Now, all the talk is about what his dad said or did before he died. It’s so confusing. Mc hasn’t even thought about going to help his dad or his mom yet… and the author starts implying that the dad is dead? Wtf?

Also… at beginning it was implied that the dad was the former patriarch of the ye family. And he was betrayed by his brother who usurped his position and kicked the mc and his parents out of the family. But… no one in the ye family seems to know who the mc is or what he looks like. It’s weird. Idk if it’s just a mistake on the author’s part or what.