About the long break, somewhat


For those that were wondering about the long break, it seems that Mars has been working on a variety show (pic suggests that he is also doing a donghua (chinese anime)) in Beijing over the last few months and had been afraid of being scolded by his fans for doing that / not telling a single soul.

Source - a zongheng post that i can’t find.


Before anyone asks, Chinese New Year is in 5 days so the break will def be extended for another month for him to celebrate.


Finally some useful info lol, now i can finally stop checking atg daily for 1month


Oh … So at least the fans have to wait until the end of February ?, understood


Next chap is on 28th feb or 1st march


Who gives a flying dong right about now shoot the chapter then ask questions


Se a pequena tia é o motivo do destino de yc e xq.
E se o yc tem o dever e a xq o destino. Fica parecendo que ela é algum tipo de sacrifício para yc alcançar o objetivo.
O que tem no vazio do início absoluto?
Quem é o último vilão para que tanto yc tem que virar um Deus verdadeiro?
A imperatriz ferindo o céu não tinha a força necessaria?
Elliot crio que você é o mais esclarecido entre nós.
Se estender sua gentileza q este júnior. Te chamarei de chefe.


If a little aunt is the reason for the fate of yc and xq. You have a duty and a destiny xq. It looks like it is some kind of sacrifice to achieve the goal. What is not empty in the absolute beginning? Who is the last villain for those who have a true God? Didn’t the empress hurting the sky have the necessary strength? Elliot, I believe you are the most enlightened among us. If you extend your kindness to this junior. I’ll call you a boss.

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